Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The last page on the Internet

The last page on the Internet

Ta Da !! 

WOW!!! You have reached the very last page of the Internet.Sorry no back botten here

We hope you have enjoyed your browsing.

Now turn off your computer, and go have fun.Oh wait everything outside stinks

 Sorry, but you have reached...

The End of the Internet.You can't go any further from here. 

YOU MUST NOW START BACK AT THE VERY BEGINNING!That means you must now search through all sites,without using a search engine.Through porn,through all those car insurrence sites.
Welcome to The Fisrt Page of the Internet !!!


The Last Page of the Internet refers to various websites purported as the final page of the Internet. Similar to many other single serving sites, such websites often carry minimalist design, accompanied by almost no graphics and instructional displays like “Now turn off your computer” and “Go outside.”But what they really want is sell you some more bullshit

In similar vein to You Win the Internet! and The Final Boss of the Internet , The Last Page of the Internet can be seen as an absurdist parody of our own understanding that online experiences never quite “end” at any certain point.


Various personal accounts and Google search results reveal that jokes about “the last page of the Internet” have been around since the late 90s, hosted on various personal / business / academic websites, discussion boards and e-mail. Tracing it through Google search shows that this phenomenon was firmly established by early 1998, making a 1997 origin plausible, although it is not certain.

Early Instances

  • The first webpage from December 19th, 1998, is a personal political site, containing a link to “”.
  • The second, dated January 1st, 1998, is the oldest. It’s another personal political site and the root of the site is still updated as a blog. It links to “”, which is now defunct. Unfortunately, the site cannot be viewed with The Wayback Machine because the owner has blocked crawlers. AGoogle search for the site reveals that the same link has been making rounds on the Internet at least since 2000 up until 2004.

The end of the internet...push  this botten to restatart

the end of internet on facebook
Thank you for visiting the real end of the internet! This is the last page!
So what to do now?
Turn off your computer and go out and breathe fresh air, go visit your friends, clean your car:)

why ya still here huh ??? ......... Jesus... come on !!!
turn it off and go ! - there Ain't "NO" more you understand !LOL
Start Over
Internet First Page

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