Saturday, October 26, 2013

i married a big tittied moron from outer space

Happy Hanovers True Tales of Studity

i married a big tittied moron from outer space

big boobbed Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young woman with incredibly huge 84 inche bust is about to get married to worlds horniest tit freak. Slowly, the new husband realizes something is wrong,as such 14 inch PENIS can stay up all day and all night ,taking inch and after inche without difficulty.And his suspicions are confirmed when the wife's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople,sucking off other mens big dicks frequently and taking far too much up the ass and pussy,than a normal human could.

And her tits swelled 184 inche in one night.

A Starbuck Manager Brook Bones tried to suck his own dick and broke his neck,so says Randel of Chickoso Falls,Nes Jersey

President breaks neck,sucking own dick.Trump Supporter Joey Idiot cries

Monday, August 12, 2013

Doctor Doom fights the Yancy Streeters

Doctor Doom fights the Yancy Streeters

so despirate to beat anyone,Vivtor Von Doom in a new costume,goes to Yancy Street to fight the one guys he thinks he can beat

1st Issue Special #6 [1975] – Dingbats of Danger Street

by Bob
Posted  in Genre, Kid Gang.
What better way to end a year?
Definitely the oddest piece to come out of Kirby’s five year stay at DC in the 1970s (at least among the published works) is his try at an updated kid gang, the Dingbats of Danger Street. This is strange by Kirby standards, and this is a guy who created a flying cosmic surfer.
The Dingbats are Good Looks, Krunch, Non-Fat and Bananas, as they announce to us on the first page. Orphans all, who have formed their own gang to get by on Danger Street. In their debut adventure, the unintentionally help cop Terry Mullins capture the villain Jumping Jack, and in the process Non-Fat almost chokes on the film strip canister Jack was smuggling and hid in his hot dog. And then Jack’s partner the Gasser shows up, and things get really kooky.
It all has an odd charm, but I think it does deserve some of the mockery that’s been heaped on it over the years. I did find Lt. Mullins kind of interesting, and wonder if he’d have become a gruffer version of Jim Harper to the Dingbats with time.
Mike Royer inks on this one, so that always looks nice.
The job codes (as documented in the JACK KIRBY CHECKLIST) suggest that Kirby drew the first issue shortly after MISTER MIRACLE and THE DEMON were canceled, while he was also working on the middle issues of KAMANDI and the early issues of OMAC, and he drew at least three issues in a few months (some have suggested even more exist, but I don’t think pages have ever turned up). For some reason DC didn’t rush it into print, and only published the first issue as one of the “1st Issue Special” one-shots some time later. About half the pages from the other two known issues have seen print in the various fanzines, mostly THE JACK KIRBY COLLECTOR (including the full 2-page spread meant for this story, modified to a single page as published), and are actually even more fun than the first, if you can judge based on such a random sampling of pages scattered across a half-dozen books. The second issue had a great two-page spread. I’m sure someday soon we’ll see a deluxe hardcover collecting all three issues.
Since I know you’ll want more, you can read the Scott Shaw! take on this issue here.
Published September 1975.

Doctor Doom dresses up like the Abomidable Snowman and scares some kid

Journey Into Mystery #18 [1975]

by Bob
Posted  in Genre, Horror/Fantasy, Science Fiction.
This mid-1970s reprint book has two Kirby/Ayers classics from the early 1960s. From TALES OF SUSPENSE #31 is “The Monster in the Iron Mask”, a 7-page story. In this one, an invading alien race sends an advance scout to soften up Earth before their full force attacks. The alien is first seen by the son of a struggling stage magician, and (seemingly foolishly) announces to the boy that his one weakness is gas, which he’s protected from by his mask.
Journey Into Mystery #18 [1975]
The military keeps trying and failing to defeat him, hoping to get him to remove his mask, including an attack with an A-Bomb (they were pretty cavalier about A-Bombs in these stories). They fail until the magician from the beginning realizes that the alien’s announcement was a bit of mis-direction, and he was fully vulnerable to gas and the “mask” was his real face. Those aliens are tricksy.
Cool monster, although coloured a bit silly in this reprint. I also liked the boy’s dog who appears throughout this story, even if he didn’t have a story purpose.
From TALES TO ASTONISH #30 is “The Thing From the Hidden Swamp”, a 6 page story. A plain-looking woman unhappy with the lack of romance in her life goes on a cruise and then goes rowing alone in a swamp, where she finds a space-ship and an alien monster. Nice scene where we have both her and the alien’s thoughts for a few panels, as the alien is as afraid of her. She ends up helping the alien, and later finds that he’s made her attractive. Not a very satisfying story, but the art has several nice scenes, including the moody opening page.
New non-Kirby cover for this issue, allegedly illustrating “Hidden Swamp”, but amusingly completely missing the point of the story on several levels.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Mike Millions is so stupid he thinks A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway book, published in 1929, is a first-person account of American Frederic Henry, serving as a Lieutenant ("Tenente") who loses his arms in a buzzsaw factory

Mike Millions is so stupid he thinks A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway  book, published in 1929, is a first-person account of American Frederic Henry, serving as a Lieutenant ("Tenente") who loses his arms in a buzzsaw factory. The title is taken from a poem by 16th-century English dramatist George Peele.[1]A Farewell to Arms is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway  book, published in 1929, is a first-person account of American Frederic Henry, serving as a Lieutenant ("Tenente") who loses his arms in a buzzsaw factory
A Farewell to Arms focuses on a romance between the expatriate American Henry and Catherine Barkley, whose nationality is variously described as English or Scottish, against the backdrop of the First World War, cynical soldiers, fighting and the displacement of populations. The publication of this, Hemingway's bleakest novel, cemented his stature as a modern American writer,[2] became his first best-seller, and is described by biographer Michael Reynolds as "the premier American war novel from that debacle [World War I]".[3]

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

This is the First Page of the Internet.

The First Page of the Internet 


This is the First Page of the Internet.

Everything starts here!Remember,you can't begin searching until you answer a few,sinple  
The FIRST PAGE on the Internet!

Yes folks this is it!!!
This is the very FIRST PAGE on the Internet!
It all starts here.

  • The whole of the Internet now lies ahead of you ... awaiting your perusal ...
  • On behalf of the huge team of people that have worked long and hard to bring you
    the Internet, we hope that your visit is both enjoyable and educational. Happy surfing!
  • To see some of the many pages on the Internet, that you might like to visit, click here.
  • To halt the Internet Push this link and stop every computer terminal in the world.
  • To read about some more significant beginnings, you could visit us often
  • To bypass the whole thing and skip straight to the end of the Internet click here.
  questions.First,off-name everyone lost on the SS Titanic.Start the names in alphabetical order.

Enter some keywords to Search the Internet:

infoster - Info Search

 Go to the End
Internet Last Page

The last page on the Internet

The last page on the Internet

Ta Da !! 

WOW!!! You have reached the very last page of the Internet.Sorry no back botten here

We hope you have enjoyed your browsing.

Now turn off your computer, and go have fun.Oh wait everything outside stinks

 Sorry, but you have reached...

The End of the Internet.You can't go any further from here. 

YOU MUST NOW START BACK AT THE VERY BEGINNING!That means you must now search through all sites,without using a search engine.Through porn,through all those car insurrence sites.
Welcome to The Fisrt Page of the Internet !!!


The Last Page of the Internet refers to various websites purported as the final page of the Internet. Similar to many other single serving sites, such websites often carry minimalist design, accompanied by almost no graphics and instructional displays like “Now turn off your computer” and “Go outside.”But what they really want is sell you some more bullshit

In similar vein to You Win the Internet! and The Final Boss of the Internet , The Last Page of the Internet can be seen as an absurdist parody of our own understanding that online experiences never quite “end” at any certain point.


Various personal accounts and Google search results reveal that jokes about “the last page of the Internet” have been around since the late 90s, hosted on various personal / business / academic websites, discussion boards and e-mail. Tracing it through Google search shows that this phenomenon was firmly established by early 1998, making a 1997 origin plausible, although it is not certain.

Early Instances

  • The first webpage from December 19th, 1998, is a personal political site, containing a link to “”.
  • The second, dated January 1st, 1998, is the oldest. It’s another personal political site and the root of the site is still updated as a blog. It links to “”, which is now defunct. Unfortunately, the site cannot be viewed with The Wayback Machine because the owner has blocked crawlers. AGoogle search for the site reveals that the same link has been making rounds on the Internet at least since 2000 up until 2004.

The end of the internet...push  this botten to restatart

the end of internet on facebook
Thank you for visiting the real end of the internet! This is the last page!
So what to do now?
Turn off your computer and go out and breathe fresh air, go visit your friends, clean your car:)

why ya still here huh ??? ......... Jesus... come on !!!
turn it off and go ! - there Ain't "NO" more you understand !LOL
Start Over
Internet First Page

Saturday, January 19, 2013

THe start of HAppy Hanover's national moron's week

yah.take your for mit romney.suppport your local drug dealer.
be white and have your crowd stand in middle of the sidewalk saying good bye to freinds,while also talking on cell phone and using Happy Hanovers pattened sidewalk entertainment center.block traffic while on cell phone.jump ahead of pes ople in line and say ecuse or even fuck u asshole.take shit in street and put on headww

o  throw out two elderly shabby dressed colloge professors before they buy nooks,at a barnes and noble starbucks cafe,resulting them buying kindles instead.

U.R. Elevated: Boy Blue and the Sweetheart Lock

U.R. Elevated: Boy Blue and the Sweetheart Lock
t ppp P

Friday, January 18, 2013

the Happy Hanvers Marching Moron Society

1 History Edit

Comic fan clubs have been around almost as long as comics themselves. DC's "The Junior Justice Society” and the “Supermen of America” clubs dated back to the 1940s. For ten cents, a subscriber received a certificate, a decoder, a pin-up poster and other miscellaneous collectibles. For years Marvel resisted starting up a club out of fear that many would compare them to jumping on the bandwagon when they were trying to be different. Around 1963, Marvel was in the middle of creating some of it's most creative characters and Stan Lee decided to finally start up a club for all the new readers. The idea Lee had was that he wanted to relate to his audience that Marvel wasn't some unfeeling mechanism of enterprise but a comrade, a member of a team in which you, the reader, could become part of.
For months, Happy Hanver and his "Bullpen" promoted the H.H.M.M.S.meaning the Happy Hanvers Marching Moron Society through its lineup of titles without revealing what the letters stood for.Actually,the fans,being zombie dumherads would not have cared,being stupid like Marvel Zombies. Fans wrote in,-all two of them Bob and John Fans attempting to be first in cracking the code.What they got was a cracked head by neighborhood thud Barry Handoverfist Smith Some suggestions were "Make Mine Happy Hanover Lots of Money,which in no way remotely made sence with letters used. Finally, the club was made public and its membership quickly escalated.
For a one dollar contribution (and 75 cents for returning members every year), each member would receive an official membership kit that included several items. A letter welcoming you to the organization, a giant-size membership button with the declaration "I Belong: The Merry Happy Hanover Marching Moron Society," a collection of stickers-actually old political campaighn stickers-when Happy Hanover tried and failled run for dictator of Earth, a membership card proclaiming you’re a charter member, and a pledge of allegiance to Happy Hanovers Imperial Rule.l. You also received a 33 1/3 rpm record with the voices of the Bullpen gang clowning around , welcoming you to the H.H.M.M.S. with a theme song,plus twenty minutes of Happy Hanover just farting into a toilet,for twenty minutes. 
Each year a new kit would come out and members needed only to make a  178, 775 cents donation for the latest items. Changes were made so that no kit looked the same and made it feel like the fan club was actually growing and making changes to define different members. The buttons went from "I Belong" theme to "Make Mine Marvel", and the membership cards changed colors every other 

1.2 Additions & Changes ,plus your first born.


To living things up, more items were added to the club to get more members and keep current ones. The Merry Marvel Messenger was a newspaper item that featured bios of the Bullpen staff, news & gossip, trivia, and sneak previews for MMMS'ers only. Another item was Marvel Stickers which could be stuck to practically anything. In 1969 the club introduced Marvelmania Mad Money which couldn't be used to purchace anything and served no purpose other than to be collected.Although,sme retarded fans tried to buy groceries,tv sets,cars and so on,until Ephrim Zemblist ,Junior of the FBI tried arrest them


2 Decline & Others Edit

Entering the 1970's, Happy Hanovers Marching Moron Society began to have a decline of readership, which reflected on the club and it's membership renewal at the start of the year. Several offers were sent out for new members, but it was clear that there was not much of an interest in the club anymore.  Happy Hanovers slowly started to fade the club away while starting new ones such as  Happy Hanovers International  Friends Of Old Bullshit and Freinds of Morns everywhere-which later was misread as not the Morns,but the Mormons. While these clubs had varied success, they didn't compare to that of the H.H.M.M.S. By early 1971, the original club was gone.