Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Poster with 12 inches ?

At least according to the top commenter, who, in classic Internet-conspiracy style, instantly raised questions about the "angles" of the pictures provided.

  1. Getting it bent out of shape in the sack is a real possibility.

  1. Flaccid, it still measures eight inches..Maybe or maybe he just copied shit Jonah Falcon claimed of having a nine inch flassid dick.

  1. He can fellate himself but chooses not to.

  1. Of course, the screen name penisthrowaway was already taken.

Hence the reason why he was forced to go with "USpenisthrowaway" (since deleted). Oh, Reddit.
  1. They make special large condoms for the well-endowed.

  1. He sometimes gets turned down by girls for being too large.

But not as much as you might think.

  1. People with large penises like Archer.

  1. Zippers and shorts are for people with small penises.

  1. He doesn’t masturbate, he says, because he has "enough sex".

  1. His identity is still unknown.

But it’s pretty safe to assume he’s not Justin Bieber.because Justin has a tiny onr

Justin Bieber's reportedly un-retouched Calvin Klein underwear ad