The First Half Of The Colonized #1 – Zombies Vs Aliens WIth Sim And Byrne 


more like bleeding asshole-shit to cash in on a fad
Here’s the first half of Colonized #1, the new comic written by IDW
 head honcho Chris Ryall, drawn by Drew Moss,
with covers by Dave Sim-I guess can't his fucking Cerebus shit anymore and John Byrne-I'll
draw any shit for a dollar Byrne
. Aliens vs zombies, what could be more natural?
Colonized01_cvrAColonized01_cvrSUBPage01ZvAPage02ZvAPage03ZvAPage04ZvAPage05ZvAPage06ZvAPage07ZvAPage08ZvAPage09ZvAPage10ZvAPage11ZvAColonized 1 front-back cover
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